As a business owner, you'll know how important smart phones and other mobile devices like iPads and tablets are to both you and your customers.
Your customers probably come into your business with their mobile phone glued to their fingers or ear; they don't think twice about taking a call right there and then if the phone rings or they get a text message; they check their email and surf the web while they're waiting for their meal to arrive in restaurants; they visit Social networking sites like Facebook while they're having a drink in a bar .... the list goes on!
Having a mobile-optimized website, a way to send bulk text messages (SMS), push notifications, utilize geo-location, mobile apps and other mobile technologies will help your business truly connect with the massive pool of prospects in your local area.
Using Mobile marketing you can send coupons, specials, announcements and other promotions to a highly targeted audience. By connecting with customers and prospects on the very devices they take anywhere and everywhere they go, a mobile marketing campaign will result in increased foot traffic, phone calls, and ultimately sales.
Many small businesses haven’t yet embraced this lucrative marketing channel. If your business is one of them, this is your chance to jump in ahead of your competitors and find out what Mobile Marketing can do for you.