SMS MARKETING (aka Text Message Marketing)

As a business owner, you'll know how important smart phones are to both you and your customers.
The majority of adults in the UK now go everywhere with their mobile phone glued to their fingers or ear; they don't think twice about taking a call right there and then if the phone rings or they get a text message; they check their email and surf the web while they're waiting for their meal to arrive in restaurants; they visit Social networking sites like Facebook while they're having a drink in a bar .... the list goes on!
Text Message Marketing using SMS services from UK providers will help you to take advantage of this growing trend.
Who can Benefit most?
Any Business that has 'slow days' can benefit from the quick response from text message marketing. Almost any business in the 'entertainment' sector can take advantage of this system to get 'bums on what would be empty seats'.
It is ideal for ANY FOOD service business but especially TAKEAWAYS such as Pizzas or Burgers.
Also ideal for BEAUTY SERVICES provided by many SALONS. Also SPAS and similar health and wellbeing services.
How does it work?
For a fixed monthly fee we will provide sufficient marketing material to enable you to 'collect' the mobile number of at least 100 of your customers / potential customers. This 'list' might take a while to build up before you can start sending offers to them.
Once you start sending offers, they will be sent from your own phone and should be on a regular basis but no more than once per week to avoid 'saturation'. If needed we will provide ideas for the types of offers to send to make the best use of the system.
To redeem their offer your customers simply show their message or quote the code that you sent. You need to 'track' the redemption of your offers so that a true ROI can be calculated for each campaign.
Text Message Marketing is good for your business 4 main reasons.
SMS is FAST and EASY to use. Almost everyone in the UK has a mobile phone that is capable of sending and receiving text messages without the need to download an 'app' and keep updating it..
Text messages have a high open rate. Most messages are opened and read within a few minutes of receipt. According to a study 90% messages are read within 3 minutes of delivery, unlike emails which are mostly ignored nowadays.
No filters to prevent most of you messages reaching their target audience.
Customers can engage with you more easily due to the instant delivery and ability to respond easily.
Easy Opt-in and Opt-out to maintanin compliance with local laws.
Cost Effective. The Return on Investment (ROI) for almost every SMS marketing campaign is far greater than any other form of marketing. You get much more 'bang for your marketing buck' with SMS.
The screenshot at the top of this page is a typical example of the sort of ROI that a hairdresser / manicurist might expect from running weekly campaigns.
If you would like to check your potential ROI then please use this Profit Calculator (opens in new window). Please only enter your own figures into the yellow boxes as all other cells are protected with figures calculated from your entries. If it opens with 'Viewing' showing in the centre towards the top, simply click on the arrow and change it to 'Editing' and you will be able to enter your own figures into the yellow boxes.